An invariant finite volume discretization in general coordinates of the
Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with the standard k- model on
staggered grids has been presented. Central differencing is used for convection
of momentum, whereas the hybrid central/upwind scheme is employed for
convection of k and
, to prevent negative values of k and
The diffusion terms are approximated with central differences. The mixed
derivatives in these terms are treated implicitly. The present method was
applied to several 2D turbulent flows in arbitrarily shaped domains. The agreement
between the results of the computations and the experimental data or the
predictions obtained by other methods was found to be satisfactory, within the
limitations of the standard k-
model employed. The calculation of the
backward facing step flow has demonstrated that the present discretization is not
accurate enough on very non-smooth grids. It turns out that a multiblock method is
more suitable to avoid such inaccuracies.