Initialize those virtual coordinates of the local coordinate array of a certain subdomain that were not already initialized by routine istrco by extrapolation.
subroutine isexco(iblock, ni, nj, nvirtual, ndim, nblocks, nfaces, maxnsubfaces, coor, nsubfaces, subfaces)
- integer
- iblock, ni, nj, nvirtual, ndim, nblocks, nfaces, maxnsubfaces
- double precision
- coor(1-nvirtual:ni+1+nvirtual, 1-nvirtual:nj+1+nvirtual, *)
- integer
- nsubfaces(1:nblocks, 1:nfaces)
- integer
- subfaces(1:nblocks, 1:nfaces, 1:maxnsubfaces,*)
- -
- iblock
- block number
- ni
- i-dimension of block iblock
- nj
- j-dimension of block iblock
- nvirtual
- number of virtual rows of coordinates
- ndim
- dimension of the problem
- nblocks
- number of blocks
- nfaces
- number of faces of a block
- maxnsubfaces
- dimensioning parameter of the subfaces array
- nsubfaces
- reserved
- subfaces
- reserved
- coor
- local coordinate array of block iblock
The inner region of the local coordinate array of block iblock has been filled. Also the virtual coordinates at the sides have been filled. The virtual coordinates at the corners have not been filled.
The entire local coordinate array of block iblock has been filled.
See also
isfilv , itrco , iscoget , iscoput