This routine gets the coordinates from a certain subface of a certain block to be transported to neighbouring blocks, see fig. 8.These coordinates are numbered in the increasing i and j directions. Coordinates are numbered in the tangential direction first, then in a direction normal to the interface. The x coordinates occur first then the y coordinates. The intermediate representation may be treated as a multi-dimensional array as follows:
vco(1:ntang, 1:nvirtual, 1:ndim)
subroutine iscoget(iblock, iface, isubface, ni, nj, nvirtual, ndim, nblocks, nfaces, maxnsubfaces, nsubfaces, subfaces, coor, vco)
- integer
- iblock, iface, isubface, ni, nj, nvirtual, ndim, nblocks, nfaces, maxnsubfaces
- integer
- nsubfaces(1:nblocks. 1:nfaces)
- integer
- subfaces(1:nblocks, 1:nfaces, 1:maxnsubfaces, *)
- double precision
- coor(1-nvirtual:ni+1+nvirtual, 1-nvirtual:nj+1+nvirtual, 1:ndim)
- double precision
- vco(*)
- -
- iblock
- block number to get coordinates from
- iface
- face number to get coordinates from
- isubface
- subface number to get coordinates from
- nvirtual
- number of virtual rows of coordinates to get
- ni
- i-dimension of block iblock
- nj
- j-dimension of block iblock
- ndim
- dimension of the problem
- nblocks
- number of blocks
- nfaces
- number of faces
- maxnsubfaces
- dimensioning parameter of the subfaces array
- nsubfaces
- reserved
- subfaces
- reserved
- coor
- local coordinate array of block iblock
- vco
- intermediate representation of virtual coordinates
The inner region of the local coordinate array of block iblock has been filled
Array vco has been filled with virtual coordinates
See also
isfilv , istrco , isexco , iscoput
WARNING! This routine is not allowed to allocate any temporary storage.