We restrict ourselves to the case of boundary conditions at the edge left
under ( and
) in the computational domain. There
possible combinations to prescribe the boundary
conditions, but only
are really different, see Table 7.1.
Table 7.1: Combinations of the boundary conditions for the edge left under
( and
Since the normal velocities are given at the boundaries we have only to
consider the ''tangential'' -cell, see Figure 7.13.
Figure 7.13: Cross-section over the ''tangential'' cell near the edge left
The virtual velocities are eliminated in the usual way
one exception that is for . This virtual quantity can be
extrapolated in the following way:
Both equations have the same order of accuracy.
Here we have to consider the ''tangential'' cell and the ''normal''
half-cell at the bottom boundary, see Figures 7.13 and 7.14.
Figure 7.14: Cross-section over a ''normal'' half-cell.
''Tangential'' -cell.
The approach is here al most the same as the one prescribed in
paragraph 7.2.2. Although there are more virtual unknowns
they can be eliminated in the usual way. The velocity forms
an exception in this case. We can only use equation (7.67) for the elimination
, since
is not prescribed at the bottom
''Normal'' half-cell.
Only the velocities marked an a in Figure 7.14 appear in the
discretization, since and
are given at the bottom boundary
respectively left boundary. The approach is almost identical to the one
given in paragraph 7.2.2, only the terms
are treated in a different way. The
first term is completely known since
are prescribed at
the left boundary. So this term can be transported to the right-hand
The derivative , introduced by the stress
tensor can be computed using the standard elimination rules, so:
The and
are given at the bottom boundary and
at the left boundary, so it is necessary to
consider besides the ''tangential'' cell the ''normal''
The ''tangential'' cell can be treated in almost the same way as the
''tangential'' cell in combination (i), see also
paragraph 7.2.2.
The discretization for the ''normal'' half-cell is almost given in
paragraph 7.2.2. But now there are more virtual unknowns and
some of them:
can not be eliminated in the usual way. The virtual unknowns
Figure 7.14) can be eliminated by using one of the following equations:
for i = -1 or 1,
Here we have only to consider the ''tangential'' cell, since the
''normal'' velocities are given ( at the left boundary and
at the bottom boundary). For the treatment of the ''tangential'' cell, we
refer to
paragraph 7.4.2. All virtual unknowns (see Figure 7.13)
exept of
are eliminated in the usual way. For
we can use formula (7.67).
The stresses and
are prescribed
at the left boundary and
the botom boundary. So we have to consider two ''normal' half-cells and the
See paragraph 7.2.2, for the treatment of the ''tangential''
cell (Figure 7.15) and the ''normal'' half-cells
(Figure 7.14). However, in this case there are some differences:
Firstly, there are more virtual unknowns, but they caus no extra problems,
since they can be eliminated by using the standard rules.
Secondly, the discretization of the stress tensor
for the ''tangential''
-cell produces a difference. In formula (7.28) not only
is given, but also
Figure 7.15: Cross-section over the ''tangential'' -cell.