This is one of the four multi-block routines that provide the connection between domain decomposition at the host and at the nodes, see Fig. 1.This routine copies unknowns near or on the boundary of the subdomain solut
arrays to the virt arrays of the neighbouring blocks on the host. If the host is the same program as the node, a plain copying of data occurs. Otherwise, the issend
routine is used to send the information using PVM. See messages needed for the transport of domain decomposition information. Figure 4 presents a schematical overview of the communication from node to host.
subroutine issnddnd(itrans, ilev, isiinput, issolut, iadmin, isitopol)
- integer
- itrans, ilev, isiinput(*), issolut(*), iadmin(*), isitopol
- -
- itrans
- indicates the quantities to be transported
- ilev
- the time level at which multi-block transport occurs
- isiinput
- array of pointers to the subdomain iinput
- issolut
- array of pointers to the subdomain solut
- iadmin
- reserved
- isitopol
- pointer to the itopol array
The subdomain solutarrays are initialized. On entry, the message to the host has already been opened.
The virt arrays of all neighbouring blocks of the local blocks are updated with values from the inner regions of the local blocks. At return, the message to the host is not terminated and can still be appended to.
See also
issnddhs, isrcddhs, isrcddnd, isddget, isddvput, issend![]()